Monday, May 23, 2016


Here is a picture of the build site that awaited us on our first day.

At the mouth of the canyon is the Ha-Mokuba village where the Lecheko family lives now.

On the first day, we trekked over to the village and met the Lecheko family.  The grandmother, Matimello, lives with her orphaned sixteen year old granddaughter, Mapaseka, orphaned fourteen year old grandson, Ts'epang, and her son, Motlalepula (all pictured below).

Their  rectangular house that they were using as a bedroom collapsed earlier this year,  leaving them with this circular house as their bedroom and kitchen.

The week went by quickly as we tried to make progress and finish their home and latrine while not hindering the hired masons too much. We did have some time to play with the village children. Jim teaches them the fine art of hackey-sack below.

Laura's favorite activity was the block passing line since everyone would get involved.

We did spend a day in the hole (digging the latrine), or should I say that Jim and Abennie Masopa spent a day in the hole.

Here's progress at the end of the week. The interior wall was nearly complete and the house was ready for the trusses.

There was a ceremony and celebration with food on the final day of our build. The Lecheko family was very happy, grateful, and I assume anxious to move in.

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